Thursday, 8 August 2013

Bugs, brooms and the turning of the year.

I've really been taking up all of the upper patio at dads with my plants. 

 These are hesperis matronalis 'Alba' which will be ready by early autumn for planting ready for them flowering in the spring.
 This is the Hesperis a little over a week later.
 These are plants for early spring next year. We have Pansys, viola, aquilegia, and primulas. I have more than the five but these were conveniently close to this months potting on area. I seem to change the potting on area regularly, possibly so that I don't get bored of the view.  
 I cut down a lot of the grasses that had gone to seed so that the polytunnel looked a little neater. Don't they look nice? even in an old green trug.
 A butterfly having a drink from a rudbeckia.
 A bee from my one and only purple sunflower for this year.
 A clean potting bench. I cleared about a quarter of the polytunnel, moved things around to make more space and cut things back that were getting too lanky. I really need to get a sweeping brush for inside as the floor is covered in seed heads, soil, snail poop and all sorts of other things I don't really want in there. Next thing on my list is to get a polytunnel broom.

Monday, 5 August 2013

What I've been doing

I've been working on my latest garden project for 15 hours of straight work over about two weeks. I've been digging, clearing, weeding, raking, adding compost to soil to help feed it and improve the soil structure. The project is a very big one and I keep chipping away at it when I can as I have the luxury of time. It needs to be done by September so I have a month to get it finished.
We haven't been at our pitch at Awesworth carboot for the last two weeks due in the first week because my partner in crime was feeling ill and the second time because his car was off having MOT work done to it. We will be back as normal as long as nothing happens before the event to see everyone and sell them some plants this Sunday.